AIRA Resources


Report: The Weaponisation of the Internet: Digital Rights and Protest Movements in Africa

AIRA Graphics (3)

World Press Freedom Day 2024: The Press’s Role in Combating Climate Misinformation

AIRA statement on Senegal Internet Shutdown

Statement on Internet Shutdown in Senegal

AIRA (1)

AIRA Annual Report 2023

Political Microtargeting

Report: Contextualising Political Advertising Policy to Political Micro-Targeting in Nigerian Elections (20230

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Press Statement: The African Internet Rights Alliance (AIRA) Condemns Internet Disruptions in Gabon and Zimbabwe Following Elections

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Joint Letter: Re: Use of cybercrimes legislation to restrict fundamental rights and freedoms in Kenya and Nigeria

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Press Statement: (ENGLISH) New African Digital Rights Coalition Aims to Hold Governments and Private Sector Accountable

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Press Statement: (FRENCH) Les dix principaux termes fondamentaux pour les journalistes couvrant les droits de l’Internet

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Report: AIRA Study On Internet Shutdowns in Africa, 2021

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The Top Ten Fundamental Terms for Journalists Covering Internet Rights

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The AIRA Repositiory

AIRA Bulletin

December 2023 Edition

November 2023 Edition

October 2023 Edition

September 2023 Edition

August 2023 Edition

July 2023 Edition

June 2023 Edition
